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Herbal Supplements and Heart Medications: A Dangerous Mix
Over 50% of Americans and nearly 70% of older persons use herbal supplements. People often think herbal remedies are safe because they're natural. That's not always true. Herbal products can powerfully affect the body and interact with prescription drugs. When combined with heart medications, the results can be life-threatening.
HIV and Increased Risk for Heart Attack
HIV and the chronic inflammation it causes, paired with a diminished immune system, can result in unwanted cardiovascular complications in patients. Specifically, individuals living with HIV are at a notably higher risk for heart attack than those without HIV. However, even though there is no cure for HIV, treatments such as antiretroviral therapy can help.
Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome – The Half-Heart Syndrome
In Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome (HRHS), blood rich in carbon dioxide from the rest of the body comes to the right side of the heart and is pushed into the lungs to get oxygenated. When the right side of the heart doesn’t develop properly, the baby turns blue due to a lack of oxygen, a condition known as cyanosis. Hence, HRHS is also called a cyanotic congenital condition
Why Taking a Statin Can Help Tackle Cardiovascular Disease For Type 2 Diabetics
Chronically high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, abnormal lipid levels, and inflammation are hallmark causes of atherosclerosis. Type 2 diabetics are among the highest-risk populations for morbidity and mortality. Statins can help reduce the progression of CVD complications in diabetic patients and support their overall cardiovascular health.
The Moral Distress Driving Healthcare Professional Burnout--A Message From An ICU RN
One nurse gives her account of the moral distress healthcare professionals continue to suffer from as patient care left to insurance companies steadily declines.
Endocarditis in Intravenous Drug Users: A Dangerous Infection on the Rise
Endocarditis infects and inflames the heart’s inner lining and compromises heart valves, often requiring repair or replacement. In the past, rheumatic fever or a congenital defect could be identified as the infective culprit. With IV drug use at an all-time high today, endocarditis cases from infectious needles continue to rise.
Improving Heart Rate Variability
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measures the variation in time between each heartbeat. It plays a vital role in your mind and body’s ability to self-regulate environmental changes and is related to your overall health.
Magnesium for a Healthy Heart
Magnesium is an important electrolyte that is often overlooked. Among its many benefits, it keeps the heart muscle working at optimum level and works to lower blood pressure
8 Ways To Improve Heart Health
Your heart pumps about 1.5 gallons of blood through your body every minute, delivering oxygen and essential nutrients to your tissues and organs. When it’s unhealthy can lead to severe problems like coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke. Here are eight ways to improve your heart health and enjoy life!
Imposter Syndrome: 5 Reasons Why You Should Say Yes When You Think You Should Say No
Imposter Syndrome: 5 Reasons Why You Should Say Yes When You Think You Should Say No
5 Signs You May Be Insulin Resistant
When you are insulin resistant, your body requires more and more insulin to deliver glucose into your cells, and over time, you will officially have type 2 diabetes.
PVCs During The Pandemic
When Gizette started feeling her heart jumping in her chest she needed to see the doctor. Read her story of having PVCs During The Pandemic.
Niching Down — How to Use Your Nursing Expertise to Land High-Paying Freelance Clients
Niching Down—How to Use Your Nursing Expertise to Land High-Paying Clients